讲座主题:Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule
讲座时间:2024年11月16日 上午8:30-10:00
讲座地点:丽湖校区 四方楼南103
A collective choice problem specifies a finite set of alternatives from which a group of expected utility maximizers must choose. We associate a pseudo market with every collective choice problem and establish the existence and efficiency of Lindahl equilibrium allocations for that market. We also associate a cooperative bargaining problem with every collective choice problem and define a set-valued solution concept, the ω-weighted Nash bargaining set where ω is a vector of welfare weights. We provide axioms that characterize the ω-weighted Nash bargaining set. Our main result shows that ω-weighted Nash bargaining set payoffs are also the Lindahl equilibrium payoffs of the corresponding collective pseudo market with the same utility functions and incomes ω. We define an appropriate notion of the core (the pseudo core) for collective pseudo markets and show that Lindahl equilibria are in the pseudo core. We apply collective pseudo markets to a stylized public goods problem and compare the properties of Walras and Lindahl equilibrium discrete allocation problems and in matching problems.
主讲嘉宾:吴冲锋(教授) 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
吴冲锋,教授,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院金融工程研究中心主任,教育部金融类教学指导委员会委员、中国管理现代化研究会常务理事,中国金融学会常务理事兼金融工程专业委员会副主任,上海期货交易所战略发展委员会委员,上海清算所风险管理委员会委员等。历任第九届上海市政协委员,第十和十一届上海市政协常务委员,上海市十四届人大代表,十五届人大常务委员会委员等。主要研究领域为金融工程,包括资产定价、金融风险管理和金融产品创新等。20多年来围绕金融工程相关领域开展研究,在国际和国内重要刊物发表或接受发表的论文超过50篇,其中,包括Management Science、Journal of Financial Markets、Operations Research、Journal of Banking and Finance、《经济研究》、《管理世界》以及《管理科学学报》等期刊论文超过20篇。